Blik op Biertje

Bierpraat oktober 2004

11 caches gevonden (logs 273-283)


geo 273. NSR#2: All aboard - van Azimuth! en pyne

4 oktober 2004, 19:25
Vanwege alle moeilijkheden die mijn voorgangers hadden ondervonden, besloot ik het slim aan te pakken. In oliepak en zuidwester, voorzien van hengels en schepnet, meldde ik mij vanmorgen bij rederij Vrolijk aan de 2e Binnenhaven. De schipper bij de loopplank speelde het spel goed mee, en deed net of hij mij niet herkende. "All aboard!" riep ik jolig, om aan te geven wat mijn doel was. Omdat de schipper geen spier vertrok, zei ik zachtjes dat ik voor de nieuwe cache kwam. Vijf minuten later stond ik weer op de kade. Niks sportvissen op de Noordzee. Ik zat op de verkeerde boot...
Dan toch maar de gps gepakt en de coördinaten ingevoerd. En wat bleek? Ik zat er precies 5 km naast! Met mijn kleding en vissersspullen viel ik totaal niet op, toen ik een paar uur later opnieuw aanmonsterde. Ditmaal was ik op de juiste plek, zag ik, toen ik het kokertje ontdekte. Het potloodje ontbrak, logisch, want Thex was gisteren geweest. In zijn log zal wel staan dat hij 's avonds alweer een potloodje in zijn zak vond. wink
Prachtige plek en constructie. Bedankt, Azimuth & Pyne!
Dat ik anderhalf uur later opnieuw aboard was, om mijn neergelegde en vergeten gps op te halen (stom stom) zal ik maar niet vertellen. Zoiets ligt bij sommige mensen nogal gevoelig...



geo 274. Round 'n Round - van nginamandla

7 oktober 2004, 01:15
Made a raid, found the date, got my certificate, thank you, it was great! wink



geo 275. Leonardo 2 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 11:30
Being this weekend in Milano I had to do this cache. It was not difficult to find, but the magnet was gone and the cache was lying above the iron. I hope there will be no storm this week! The logbook was wet, so it was not easy to write on it. Lovely horse!
greetings from Holland, Biertje

geo 276. Verdi 1 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 12:30
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. I spend a lot of time searching all the iron places, because first I didn't understand the Italian words in the hint. But suddenly I looked to the sky and... The cache was full of water, so it was nearly impossible to write on the paper. Nice place, thanks!
greetings from Holland, Biertje

geo NF#19. Leonardo 3 [Milaan] - van Markino

   dnf 15 oktober 2004
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. Friday it was very crowded at this place, so I did the trick with the camera, making pictures sitting on my knies and searching for things in my bag (but looking for the cache). I couldn't find it, but I came back on saterday morning. Searched again, but I think the cache has gone...


geo 277. Manzoni 1 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 13:20
Being a weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. With my camera I looked for a good place to make a picture, but with my other eye I searched for the cache. Nice place, thanks!
greetings from Holland, Biertje

geo NF#20. Archeologia Industriale sul Naviglio [Milaan] - van galla

   dnf 15 oktober 2004
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. I found the place after a long walk and put my arms in all the holes, found the fluffy thing, but couldn't find the cache. I made pictures with my camera, but in the flash light I could only see plastic bottles and beer cans. Has it gone?

geo NF#21. Verdi 2 [Milaan] - van Markino

   dnf 15 oktober 2004
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. This was the most difficult cache: I walked for an hour in circles through the narrow streets, but couldn't get closer than 40 metres. Was it hidden in one of the houses? I asked some people where Verdi has lived, but nobody could tell me. What a pity...

geo 278. Manzoni 3 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 16:25
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. This one was easily to find, but it was hide very cleverly. Thanks!
greetings from Holland, Biertje


geo 279. Manzoni 2 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 16:40
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. On this friday afternoon there were no cars, attendants or other people. While searching in my bag on my knees, I easily took the cache and wrote my name in the logbook. Thanks!
greetings from Holland, Biertje

geo 280. Verdi 3 [Milaan] - van Markino

15 oktober 2004, 17:00
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. This one I liked the most. First I had to search for the right place. It was crowded with people! I did my trick with the camera: searching for a good picture, but in real I was searching for the cache. When I finally spotted it (great!) I picked it while acting 'normally'. Nor the hotel porter, nor the two women with shopping bags behind my back, saw what I was doing. Then I wrote my name, made a picture and hide the cache again, with all that people around me. I felt like a secret agent! wink Thanks
greetings from Holland, Biertje


geo NF#22. Leonardo 1 [Milaan] - van Markino

   dnf 15 oktober 2004
Being this weekend in Milano, I had to find a few caches. This was number 10, but I couldn't find it. I searched both sides on my knees, but I think the cache is gone. It was 17:30h and I needed some beer. I had visited 10 caches this day, and found 6 of them. Nice score.


geo 281. Doosje 2 - van Sampie

24 oktober 2004, 16:50
Na een weekendje met vrienden in de buurt van Hilversum kwam ik op de terugweg langs deze cache. Even heen en weer gelopen en daarna de cache gevonden.


geo 282. Amsterdam geocaches: 'Bordeaux' - van Darwin

30 oktober 2004, 13:50
Dit weekend vindt weer het jaarlijkse Bokbierfestival plaats: drie dagen de gelegenheid om alle Nederlandse (en een paar Belgische en Duitse) bokbieren te proeven, op een prachtige locatie, de Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. Op weg daar naar toe maakte ik een kleine omweg om een kistje (wijn) te zoeken. Omdat ik toen nog nuchter was, lukte dat prima. wink Nee, als bierdrinker had ik geen wijnetiket bij me om achter te laten, maar ik heb wel de TB meegenomen. En nu snel naar het bier!
groeten, Biertje

geo 283. Sk8rSamInAmsterdam - van BikerSam

30 oktober 2004, 14:10
When visiting Amsterdam on a dark and rainy afternoon in february I searched for all the clues, but I ended in a bar with some large pints of beer. So I went wet outside and inside! wink Today I finished the tour by visiting the cache location. The weather was much better, so the place was crowded and it was not easy to grab the cache and to replace it. There is no logbook, so I wrote my name on one of the papers other hunters had left.
greetings, Biertje


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